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Simon Trott's 777 Marathon Run
Simon Trott's 777 Marathon Run
Hi family and friends,
Many of you know that my young and only daughter, Lekeisha, who is seven-years old, has juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We noticed Lekeisha was having more difficulty than expected when she began to walk. She was limping and in pain. We took her to the doctor as we noticed swelling in her knees and after many visits, the paediatric rheumatologist gave us a final diagnosis.
As a parent, all I want to do is protect Lekeisha from harm; however I just feel helpless when I see her trying to deal with the pain from her arthritis and her ongoing medications. It's so admirable to see the strength and courage she shows our family through the tough times.
I've decided to help make a difference and run a 7 marathon distance from 20-26 September 2015, every day running 42km, to raise money to provide support for both my daughter and to help Arthritis SA continue their fantastic work with people of all ages but especially for children to have a brighter future. Please help me reach my target of $10,000 by donating anything you can afford to the 777 marathon.
The 777 symbolises 7 marathons in 7 days for my 7-year-old Lekeisha.
This run will be tough but no tougher than what the children with this disease have to endure.
It will be run from Yorketown SA and finish at Arthritis SA in Marleston.
Thank you for your support
Arthritis SA (Arthritis Foundation of South Australia Inc)
Currently there are 1 in 4 people in South Australia living with Arthritis.
Arthritis SA provides support and information to individuals of all ages living with the impacts of arthritis and related conditions
Arthritis SA aims to give help and hope for people living with arthritis through research, education and advocacy.
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