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A Little Lift for Lili
A Little Lift for Lili
Lili is a beautiful 11 yr old girl who urgently needs a wheelchair access conversion to her mum's vehicle
so that she can go places with her friends and enjoy all of the things that all children of her age like to do.
When Lili was born she had a few unique challenges to face, the medical terms for which seem rather complicated. Here they are: Complete Agenesis of the corpus callosum, Microcephaly, severe global encephalopathy, Epilepsy, Episodic Hyperventilation, small stature and Sensory processing disorder.
In layman's terms, Lili communicates very differently than we do and she also needs a lot of help in getting around.
Lili’s mum, Melissa, is her full time carer and is doing a wonderful job of giving her as full a life as possible. However, Lili is growing up and getting heavy; too heavy for her mum to carry safely in and out of the car each day.
There is now a continuing risk that either, or both of them, could be injured.
What Lili really needs is a conversion to her mum's car so that she can use a hydrolic ramp, with her wheelchair, to get in and out automatically.
Such a conversion will make a huge difference for Lili and ensure her the dignity that any 11 yr old deserves and the safety to enjoy outings with her friends and siblings.
Unfortunately, this type of conversion costs a lot of money and it is way out of reach for Lili's mum.
$30,000 is needed for a wheelchair conversion plus an upgrade of her mum’s old car – funding is not assisted by government.
A few friends and myself have organised a special, comedy hypnosis show, with all profits from the ticket sales being donated to Lili’s cause.
The show takes place at Dapto Leagues Club, on 26th September, 2015.
For those who can't attend the show, but would still like to help Lili, this page has been created so that people can make a donation.
Not knowing how generous or responsive people would be, I've set the target low, at only $5000 for this page, even though we need to raise much more.
If you are able to make a donation, please do so. It will be very much appreciated, however small.
Lili is such a lovely girl. She shines very brightly and touches the hearts of all of those she meets. She truly deserves our help and so does her mum.
Let's make a huge difference, together, and help Lili to live her life to the full.
Here is a movie clip I know you will enjoy watching. It shows how clever Lili is and focuses of some of the things she can do well. Click here to watch.
There is also a new facebook page for friends of Lili, so please join us for more information and updates.
Thank you so much for your kindness.
Peter Powers
Interchange Illawarra Inc
Provides quality, person-centred support for people with a disability, their carers and families, utilising a partnered approach, recognising the family as part of this process.
Emphasises choice and self-determination, enhancing lifestyle through independence and personal support networks.
Support services range from carer respite, social support, leisure and work experience, developing personal goals, social opportunities and provision of information.
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