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New Hope Cambodia Rice Drop

Sharee Cock

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New Hope Cambodia Rice Drop


Mondul 3, Siem Reap is one of the poorest slum areas in Cambodia. It is a broken community of army families, karaoke / sex workers and displaced men, women and children. New Hope Cambodia is a grass roots, rapidly growing Non-Government Organisation (NGO) run by a dedicated individual, a local Khmer named Sot Suo (Kemsour).


The mission of New Hope Cambodia is to restore hope, dignity and promise to these once proud and prosperous people.


The focus of New Hope is 'free education for all' as the founder's recognition of the vital role education plays in helping break the cycle of poverty. However the organisation cannot ignore the chronic malnutrition, ill health and horrific living conditions of its community. This environment places families at high risk of falling victim to child traffickers. For this reason, New Hope Cambodia's activities and program's address the daily issues facing families in crisis situations and, at the same time, find ways to work toward a better future.


My husband and I will be returning to Siem Reap Cambodia at the end of June 2015 and will be volunteering with New Hope Cambodia for between 2-5 weeks (I have previously volunteered with this organisation in 2011 and 2012 and visited in 2013). Ryan will be working on a water sanitation project and I will be working with the public relations team and outreach department. We will be supporting the Rice Drop Program which is part of the Outreach Department at New Hope Cambodia. The Rice Drop Program supports over 300 impoverished families including many starving babies each month. On the 2nd Friday of each month all families that are sponsored through the Rice Drop Program come to New Hope to receive rice and grocery supplies for the month. They also receive a small amount of money. We will be at New Hope Cambodia on the 2nd Friday in July and will be helping with this Rice Drop. I will be posting updates about our time at New Hope Cambodia through my facebook page: 


As the great man Nelson Mandela said**** Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom. ****


****Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change****

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If you propose to fundraise for a specific project, please advise us on Otherwise we use your funds for the most urgent of purposes in New Hope.

Our Mission….. to restore hope, dignity and promise to these once proud and prosperous peoples.  Mondul 3 Village, Siem Reap….. one of the poorest slum areas in Cambodia. A broken community of army families, karaoke/sex workers and displaced men women and children.   

New Hope Cambodia is a grass roots, hands on and non government organization. “Whilst 'free education for all' is our priority, an important step in breaking the cycle of poverty, we cannot ignore the chronic malnutrition; ill health and appalling living conditions our students and families face every day”.
Today, New Hope, with the assistance of sponsors and volunteers, also provides free  medical treatment for up to one hundred residents per day for illnesses such as chronic malnutrition, HIV, hepatitis, typhoid,  tuberculosis and dengue fever and supports over 300 families on a food program 

             -  Food supplies and support to 320families 

             - Baby formula for 100 malnourished babies.

             - Education for 1000 students 

             - Regular classes are held for Mothers on Family Planning, Child care, and Food Hygiene; and delivers awareness of gambling, drug and Child trafficking issues.

Please help us to continue to give these impoverished families a future.   For further info please visit

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