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Tour de Chance 2014
Tour de Chance 2014
On 27 February 2014, 15 to 20 riders will begin cycling from Brisbane to Sydney for the 2014 Tour de Chance. The riders will cover the 1,100kms in 10 days. The goal of this ride is to raise more than $250,000 for Fighting Chance - a vibrant youth led charity that creates opportunities for young adults with significant physical disabilities to access innovative employment and social participation programs.
You can find out more about the wonderful work Fighting Chance does from their website http://www.fightingchance.org.au
I followed last years' Tour online - Tim Powell's daily Facebook posts were both inspirational and fun. I never knew what unexpected incident would happen next... dogs, cars, collisions, etc. I really was on the edge of my seat...but did not decide to ride in the Tour until I really understood what Fighting Chance was all about. After one visit to their facility in Brookvale I suddenly saw the need so much more clearly. And I just knew that my friends and collegues would also see the need and rise to the occasion. You people are all so generous...it blows me away.
For those of you who don't yet know the Fighting Chance story, please take a minute and explore the site and their YouTune Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/fightingchanceaus). I'm sure you'll catch the vision like I did and choose to support the Tour this year. And, yes, you WILL get a front row virtual seat to all of THIS year's unexpected hijinx as we go 10 days from Queensland to Manly!
So I ask you to please dig deep for this cause (and remind you that your donation will be tax deductible).
You can get more information on the ride and what Fighting Chance plans to do with the funds you donate on the ‘Tour de Chance” website http://www.tourdechance.com.au
And one last thing - please take a minute or two to think about friends in your network that you might feel comfortable sharing this with. It is a real good thing that we are doing here!
Thank you very much – we all very genuinely appreciate your support.
Fighting Chance Australia
Fighting Chance builds and empowers social businesses to create a truly inclusive economy where people with disability have unbridled access to opportunity, dignity and prosperity.
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