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Remember a Mate Day

Daniel Bevis

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Remember a Mate Day


On Thursday 29 Janurary 2015 -  Remember a Mate.
If you know someone who:
  • - Has lost their job
  • - Is worried about job security 
  • - Is concerned about Queensland’s record unemployment
Remember them by wearing blue and donating $10 to the Smith Family on the last Thursday in Janurary (29-01-2015).
Unemployment in Queensland is at an 11 year high. There are more unemployed Queenslanders today than ever before. Over 170,000 Queenslanders are now unemployed and looking for work. 
High levels of unemployment don't just impact on individuals, they affect whole families and communities. Today one in 10 Australian children live in jobless families. Thankfully for over 92 years The Smith Family have been helping jobless families through difficult times and supporting their children access to education, so they can create better futures for themselves and their community.
Lets raise $170,000 - one dollar for every unemployed Queenslander looking for work. 

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Remember a Mate Day

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    The Smith Family

    The Smith Family believes that education is one of the world’s most powerful change agents. That’s why we focus on helping young Australians to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty.As a national, independent charity, every day The Smith Family work with thousands of children and their families to help them unlock better futures for themselves.

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