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Lets Build St. Veronica Giuliani Church Lebanon.
Lets Build St. Veronica Giuliani Church Lebanon.
Saint Veronica Giuliani, An Italian saint virtually unknown to the world has chosen Lebanon to make herself known to the world!
At the request of Saint Veronica and the Blessed Mother, construction has begun on the church dedicated to Saint Veronica in Lebanon.
This is the only church outside of Italy dedicated to this saint, Our mission as Christians its our duty to answer the call of our Blessed Mother and
St Veronica to assist in any way we can to help make this church possible.
Please follow the story and the miracle of the church and of this Saint.
Our people have been chosen and our country has been chosen to answer this call, Help us to complete the miracle.
If you have not already, please watch this video: https://youtu.be/RSFTGelFttA
She is one of the most powerful Saints that has been forgotten. So powerful that Padre Pio considered her as his teacher. Pope Pius IX said she was not merely a saint, but a Great saint. Pope Leo XIII said no other being, except the mother of Jesus, was more endowed than her with preternatural Gifts....Wow!!!!!
Ready for this ...
Frequently in her visions, Our Blessed Lady seemed to play with the heart of Veronica, drawing it from her bosom, showing it to her with those mysterious marks of the 7 swords that pierced Mary's heart, and then replacing it near her own or that of her Divine Son, exclaiming; "heart of my heart".
She is the only Saint that still remains the stigma after death.
During a mass, a priest in Italy said in his homily to the congregation "if you're not going to realize the importance of this saint, she is going to go somewhere else, to another county and rise up from their"
This process has begun ... this saint is rising up in Lebanon and is performing many miracles and making herself known in Lebanon. Construction of a church in her honor has begun. This is the first time ever in 300 years that she has been venerated outside of Italy Since her death.
QMHR are assisting in a Social night fundraiser to bring awareness and make known this beautiful saint and the funds will go directly towards the building of St Veronica Giuliani in LEBANON!
Queen Of The Most Holy Rosary Association Inc.
QMHR represents, serves and helps those who cannot help themselves. Our mission put simply is to make a difference in people’s lives no matter how small that change may be.
The association’s primary objective is to provide vital resources in the way of funds, food, clothing or care to those in need. QMHR also supports and provides to representative bodies approved by QMHR to in turn serve and also provide for the same with complete love and compassion.
QMHR is a non-profit charitable organisation that is dedicated to promoting the benefits gained through Prayer and the recitation of the Rosary daily, in Honour of Our Blessed Virgin Mary and in Worship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
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