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Aussie Author Month 2013
Aussie Author Month 2013
Aussie Author Month is about celebrating the uniqueness and great quality that our nation contributes to literature by the promotion of authors and books we love from Australia (or, as with various celebrities and pavlova, those we claim as our own anyway even if they live in another country nearby).
Another important aspect of Aussie Author Month is also recognising that literacy in this country isn’t as widespread as it should be, particularly among Indigenous and remote communities. As well as bringing attention to our glorious Aussie authors, we want to raise awareness and help fundraise for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.
Indigenous Literacy Foundation
Being able to read opens so many doors. But in very remote Indigenous communities, books are all too scarce and literacy levels are much lower than anywhere else in Australia. Our purpose is to make a difference to the lives of Indigenous families by not only gifting thousands of new culturally appropriate books - with a focus on early literacy and first language - but also by running programs to inspire the communities to tell and publish their own stories.
Please visit our website for more information about our programs.
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