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Water Safety Day
Water Safety Day
This is Phuoc in 2013.
The previous year he saved himself from drowning.
In August 2012 he came with 80 other children to our Water Safety day at the beach. Phuoc didn’t go into the water that day and didn’t take part in the program. He just watched the other children learning how to float and keep themselves safe in the water.
Then a few weeks later he got into trouble in a river near his home, remembered what he’d seen that day at the beach and floated instead of struggling. He saved himself.
Last year he went into the water, joined in the games and is now an accomplished floater, as you can see in the photo.
Help us to continue the Water Safety program this year. Give a child a day at the beach, an important day that may save their life. It is also a great treat most of those in our programs would never experience.
$20 pays for water safety lessons, transport, tuition from Swim Vietnam, a day of fun, food and games on the sand and a movie in the afternoon.
UNICEF calls drowning a silent epidemic. Every day in Viet Nam 10 children drown*.
*Viet Nam Ministry of Health statistics
Children’s Education Foundation
Children's Education Foundation - Vietnam works to break the poverty cycle by helping girls from impoverished or marginalized communities complete school or receive further education or training. Through helping females CEF believes this not only helps the young women but also succeeding generations and their communities have the possibility of a better life with more choice.
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