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JUST MMA Adam Hunter

Adam Hunter

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JUST MMA Adam Hunter


Hi there!

I'm making a difference by raising money for Dementia Australia through ticket sales and general donations made through this page.


With your support and weeks of training, I will get an opportunity to compete in the ring in Hong Kong on the 7th of September and raise awareness for a foundation which supports the elderly community diagnosed with dementia along with their careers and relatives.


Dementia is the second leading cause of death of Australians. In 2016 dementia became the leading cause of death among Australian females, surpassing heart disease which has been the leading cause of death for both males and females since the early 20th century.


Currently an estimated 250 people are joining the population with dementia each day. The number of new cases of dementia will increase to 318 people per day by 2025 and more than 650 people by 2056.


These stats are alarming! I need you're help and support to raise as much money as I can to help support Dementia Australia continue with the work they do to support services for people experiencing dementia and their carers.


Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to the Dementia Foundation.

So dig deep, be generous and lets show some support to the people who have gave up their time raising our countries younger generations.


Thanks so much!

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Dementia Australia

Dementia Australia is a unified, national peak body for people, of all ages, living with all forms of dementia, and their families and carers. We provide advocacy, support services, education and information, as well as fundraise and facilitate research into dementia.

We aim to give people living with Dementia the respect they deserve and the support they need. We advocate to government and industry on behalf of people living with dementia, their carers and families and work hard to raise community awareness and understanding of dementia. Please visit to access a wide range of resources and how to contact our National Dementia Helpline. 

Community support through donations and sponsorship, as well as bequests, is vital to the continuation and growth of our work.

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