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Alana McKaysmith
Alana McKaysmith
Hi there!
I'm making a difference and walking 5km on this World Cancer Day, 4 February 2023, for a cause that's close to my heart.
As you all know, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in late 2021 with two tumours removed from my bowel. Unfortunately it had spread to my liver and lungs so I had 12 rounds of chemotherapy that helped with my liver but not with my lungs. I’ve had 5 further rounds but sadly the chemo wasn’t strong enough to blast the cancer so I am about to embark on a more intense chemo regime to give the cancer in my lungs the strong message that it is not welcome! It won’t be easy and may mean the loss of my beautiful hair but it’s my ticket to good or better health and overall it’s a small price to pay. .
This World Cancer Day is about closing the gap and inequities in cancer care across all types of cancer. For bowel cancer in particular, it is the deadliest cancer for those aged 25-44 and bowel cancer patients have experienced some of the longest wait times for access to new treatments and also don’t receive the same level of support as those with other common cancers. This needs to change and we still have a long way to go.
I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small, as it will improve the care and treatment of those with bowel cancer and it will make a difference to the health outcomes for younger people.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.
Thanks so much for your support!
Bowel Cancer Australia
Bowel Cancer Australia is a 100% community-funded national charity dedicated to prevention, early diagnosis, quality treatment and care, so everyone affected by bowel cancer can live their best life. We are committed to championing what matters most to people affected by bowel cancer. You can learn more about how your support of Bowel Cancer Australia is contributing in a meaningful and impactful way that produces measurable benefits here - bowelcanceraustraliaimpact.org
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