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Belinda Williams

Belinda Williams

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Belinda Williams


Dear Family, Friends and Those who have been affected by the insidiousness of pancreatic cancer, the silent killer.

  I'm making a difference and holding a fund raising event for a cause that's close to my heart.

My brave Mum recently had her head shaved due to severe hair loss, a side affect from the chemo treatment she is currently undergoing for pancreatic cancer.

On Monday 22nd July, 2019, at 6:30pm  I will be having my hair shaved off by my husband and daughter at an event I am holding at The Golden Sands Tavern Nambucca Heads which is being graciously supported by the management of The Golden Sands Tavern.  I will be selling Pancare ribbons/bracelets on the night and invite those of you who are around town to join us. 

If you cant make it I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small. 100% Donations will go towards Pancare Foundation for research and the support people affected by pancreatic, liver, biliary, oesophageal and stomach cancers.

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.

Thanks so much for your support!

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Pancare Foundation

Pancare Foundation are a leading charity committed to inspiring hope, raising awareness, supporting families and funding research for upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancers.

With some of the lowest survival rates out of all the major cancers, we are dedicated to improving outcomes for those affected by upper GI cancers including pancreatic, liver, stomach, biliary and oesophageal cancers. We provide support for people living with cancer and their families from the point of diagnosis through to treatment and beyond. We also fund world-leading research to increase survival and improve treatment options.

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