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Brigid Wilkinson

Brigid Wilkinson

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Brigid Wilkinson


Hi there!

I'm making a difference and fundraising for a cause that's close to my heart. I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small. 

15th June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day -a day to raise awareness about one of the worst manifestations of ageism and inequality in our society, elder abuse. Individuals, communities, municipalities and organisations will come together across the globe to hold events that raise awareness of elder abuse. 

I will be participating in COTAs WEAAD walk Friday 14th June in Hobart - come and join me and show your support!

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to COTA 

Thanks so much for your support! Brigid 

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COTA Tasmania Incorporated (COUNCIL ON THE AGEING (TAS) INC)

COTA Tasmania has been the voice of older Tasmanians for 60 years.

While individual issues may have changed over that time, the determination and commitment of the organisation to ensure that the voices of older Tasmanians are heard has not.

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