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Claire Fisher
Claire Fisher
And, I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell you how you can make a difference in a town called Bel Air (Manilla)
Later this month, Il be heading along with Full Gospel Assembly Melbourne (FGAM) in helping run its eighth consecutive medical mission trip to the Philippines. In partnership with two local churches in Manila, our team of approximately 50 medical and non-medical volunteers will team up with over 100 local volunteers to operate pro-bono medical clinics for the less fortunate in two impoverished areas in Manila. FGAM's team of volunteers will comprise of doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists as well as people with non-medical backgrounds.
In 2017, our team of 40 volunteers were able to provide important medical, dental and optical services to over 2,000 locals living in poverty - people who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to receive such treatment and care. As a team, we're looking to raise a total of $30,000 to fund the necessary medical, dental, optical and other supplies to operate these pro-bono clinics and provide the highest level of care and treatment possible for each and every patient. These funds will predominantly go towards the purchase of medicine, hospital costs for certain patients (in the event of a serious illness), glasses, necessities for the local orphanage and vital equipment for the clinic.
To put things into perspective, here's an approximate indication of the potential impact that your donation will have:
$25 - provides necessary medication for 5 patients
$50 - provides correct vision/sight for 10 people
It doesn't cost much to provide basic healthcare in the Philippine's and every single dollar will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the lives of those living there in poverty
Lets also emphasise that every volunteer pays their own way and aren't funded from any donations received. Everything received will go directly towards the running of these clinics during our week visit.
I feel so excited and privileged to be part of this team, and to provide basic healthcare that I am so fortunate to assess and deliver every day.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our medical mission trip and contributing if you can, a little goes a long way.
Peace and love
Claire Bear xx

Full Gospel Assembly (Melbourne) Inc
FGA Melbourne is a multi-generational multi-cultural church in Box Hill, Victoria. We are part of the Associated Christian Ministries denomination and have been operating in Melbourne for over 20 years. We meet for Sunday Service at 10am at Kingswood College, 355 Station Street, Box Hill Vic 3128. More information is available at http://www.fgam.org.au
FGA Melbourne organises a yearly medical mission to provide medical attention and optical services to the people of Pasig and Caloocan in Philippines for FREE. Our volunteer doctors, dentists, optometrists and mission members pay their own way for the trip and cover their own local costs, enabling 100% of funds raised to be directed to the work of the mission.
The poorest Filipino family earns an average income of about AUD5 daily. Expenses for food account for two-thirds of a family of five’s expenditures, followed by expenditure for electricity, water and other fuels. Healthcare in Philippines has yet to be free or subsidized. Thus, for the sick to seek medical help it is the least of their priorities. So for some, going to a doctor would mean having to forgo breakfast, lunch or dinner for a day, two days or a week. It would mean borrowing money from another relative, whom they can never repay. Or work a few more shifts in a factory to buy medication or pay the hospital bills. If you are the breadwinner of the family, falling sick would mean your children will have no food on the table when they’re hungry. Therefore many people wait until they are at their final stages of illness before going to the hospital. Some never recover from their illnesses.
This coming April, FGA Melbourne will run their 6th annual medical mission trip to provide medical,dental attention and optical services to the people of Pasig and Caloocan in Philippines for FREE. However, we cannot do this on our own. We are hoping to raise $15,000 by the 22nd of April to set up mobile clinics, and your contribution will go to buying medication and other essential supplies for them.
Partner with us and we will bring your love to the people of Philippines at our own expenses.
Your simple contribution will go a long long way.
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you for your heart of giving and for blessing the people of Philippines.
Source: http://www.census.gov.ph/
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