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Help Rebuild Sleepy Burrows
Help Rebuild Sleepy Burrows
a plea from Cynthia, Marcus and Monica - sanctuary volunteers
(Sanctuary owners Donna and Phil can’t ask because they are busy saving wombats)
PHOTO AND STORY UPDATE - SEPTEMBER 2016: Wombat Devika then and now .... came to Sleepy Burrows in November 2015 with injury to her leg. Donna wasn't sure it would heal. It has taken a while but here I am as of last Sunday (11 September 2016) with Devika, who has finally got her "wombat growth spurt" happening. Soon Devika will be exploring the outdoors and geting used to life as a wombat in the bush. The enclosures we are building with the help of this GoFundRaise fundraising campaign will mean Devika can explore the outdoors from the safety and security of a fully protective enclosure. It also means a better educational experience for visitors to the Sanctuary.
ORIGINAL STORY POSTED HERE : Sleepy Burrows is at the frontline of saving wombats for future generations, but the sanctuary has been devastated by the recent catastrophic rains and flooding in NSW. In both wombat schools - primary and high - the burrows are flooded. Enclosure roof tarps are shredded and calls for immediate wombat assistance are coming in every day. Sadly some wombats are missing.
$16,000 is urgently needed to replace what is gone and support the wombats. Eight new wombat joeys have arrived and the teenage wombats need primary school back as soon as possible.
Thank you for helping us help the wombats. We send you heaps of wombat hugs and best wishes!!!
Donations are tax deductible for Australians.
Sleepy Burrows Sanctuary Inc
Where Wombats Dominate and Humans Accommodate!
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