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One person can make a difference

Rachael Hopkins

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One person can make a difference


I've always wanted to do something with my life... to make a difference in the world.

How many people have said that exact same thing?

Lets make a difference together.


I saw a brief news report on 7 news about an amazing woman who decided to do just that.

The Australia Cambodia Foundation started in September 1993 following a visit from an amazing woman named Geraldine Cox who saw just how many children were in need of help.

She started work at two orphanages located in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, Cambodia and decided she could make a difference.


The orphanages are now known as Sunrise Children’s Villages and they care for hundreds of orphaned and disadvantaged Cambodian children.


The children of The Sunrise Children's Village have experienced some of the most unspeakable horrors ranging from human trafficking, abandonment, polio, HIV, poverty and even prostitution, things no child should have to experience.

As a mother of 2 children I cannot even imagine what these kids have been through. These kids have no parents to show them love, to cuddle and kiss them, to soothe them when they scrape their knee or to encourage them to follow their dreams. They don't have TV’s, PlayStations or bedrooms full of toys.


Listening to my own children play and laugh without knowing the horrors that exist in this world, I starting thinking about how I could help those who are clearly less fortunate than we are. So I decided this was how

I wanted to do something with my life.

I wanted to start fundraising to contribute to such an amazing cause. The Sunrise Children's Village offers these children a refuge, food, clothing, an education and most importantly a place to call home.


Donations to this organisation not only offer these children the necessities for daily living but it offers them the hope for a brighter future which every child deserves.






Below are links to check out The Sunrise Children's Village webpage and facebook page.







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Sunrise Cambodia (The Australia Cambodia Foundation Inc)

Sunrise Cambodia was founded by Legendary Aussie humanitarian, Geraldine Cox AM to change the lives of some of the poorest people in the world. You can help us give good health, learning and safety to thousands of at-risk kids and local communities in Cambodia.

Sunrise Cambodia operates as part of The Australia Cambodia Foundation Inc.

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