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AUD $1,755 of AUD $1,000 target.


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John Stockton

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Hello everyone ...


The photo above shows a 91 day growth on a 71 year old, and I know I look more 'Santa' than 'hipster'!


My plan was to shave the beard now that I'm home from my trip, but I've read and heard your comments, and I'm going to keep it ... BUT, given that it's your idea, you have to help me! I'll keep the beard until 16 November 2017, World Pancreatic Cancer Day, if we can collectively raise $1,000 for Avner Foundation. AND I might keep it until Christmas Day if we can raise $5,000!


Avner Foundation is a charity close to my heart, and was also Margaret's preferred charity. They are truly making a difference to pancreatic cancer treatments and outcomes for patients. Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly to the charity. I will appreciate any contribution, big or small.


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PanKind Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Limited

PanKind The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation is exclusively dedicated to pancreatic cancer and represents, supports and advocates for all Australians impacted by the disease. We have a focus on early detection research to ultimately increase survival rates and quality of life for Australians impacted by the disease. Only with this laser focus and commitment to solving the pancreatic cancer problem will we see results, and this represents the greatest hope for pancreatic cancer patients and their families.

PanKind has invested over $11 million into cutting-edge pancreatic cancer research at Australia's top institutions since 2007 and we are committed to making an impact on one of the deadliest cancers with a mission to triple the survival rate by 2030. We want individuals and organisations to join us on the journey so we can solve the problem together. PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation.

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