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Julia McKim

Julia McKim

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Julia McKim


Hi there!

My name is Julia, I am a 30 year old women a mum to 2 beautiful kids and I am a wife! I love my family fericley and would do anything for them.

I would describe myself as someone who has a social conscious, I feel deeply and feel there is so much sosial injustice in the world and I wasn't to be apart of making a difference to people lives.

I want my children to grow up in a world where body image, sex, social media etc isn't dictatored to my children and where my children feel safe and free and confident in who they are and express it freely.

Pretty Flipped is a wonderful course and such a good message to spread, if you can help in any way feel free to donate $1 or more much love guys xxx

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Pretty Foundation Ltd

38% of 4 year old girls are dissatisfied with their bodies!
Our Vision: A world where girls are comfortabl in their bodies and confident in themselves and conquering in their endeavours.
Our Mission: To empower girls with the perspective, skills and support to develop and nurture a positive body image for themselves and others.

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