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Rebuilding Schools in the Everest Region of Nepal Trek 2016
Rebuilding Schools in the Everest Region of Nepal Trek 2016
Hey friends
The time has come for me to commit to make a difference in an area of great need.
In April 2015 the Nepal earthquake had a devastating impact on lives and communities in the Everest region of Nepal.
124 schools in the lower Solo Khumbu region were affected and 50 of these schools need to be totally rebuilt.
You may be aware of David's contribution towards designing replacement schools that will be earthquake resilient.
I'm keen to support the Australian Himalayan Foundation in its long term work of reconstruction, and have decided to participate in their 2016 Rebuild Nepal fundraising trek from 4 - 24 October 2016.
AHF has a long history of involvement with these communities and an ongoing commitment to education programs, teacher training etc
As part of this trek a small group of us will have the opportunity to visit schools, teacher training centres and local communities.
I have undertaken to raise at least $1000 towards the rebuilding program.
If you are in a position to join with me by making a contribution I invite your support through this fundraising portal.
All donations are valuable no matter how small or large.
Donations made through this platform are tax deductible, secure and will be remitted directly through to The Australian Himslayan Foundation.
Thank you kindly for any support you are able to give.
Australian Himalayan Foundation
The Australian Himalayan Foundation is a not for profit charitable organization dedicated to helping the people of the Himalaya achieve their goals - through supporting and overseeing sustainable health, education and environmental projects in Nepal, India and Bhutan.
The AHF has Deductible Gift Recipient status and was awarded AusAID accreditation in 2012. All donations to the AHF are tax deductible. For more information visit www.australianhimalayanfoundation.org.au .
You can also have a look at a brief video of our projects on youtube by clicking here.
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