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Matt Hewson
Matt Hewson
It is once again time for the Player 2/Terry Campese Foundation charity marathon.
This year the goal is $4000 which will give us enough money to purchase a range of gaming equipment for the small country hospitals of Queanbeyan and Braidwood, two hospitals with little to no entertainment for ill children on hand.
As always there will be tonnes of prizes for those that donate and a lot of fun to be had. Make sure you join us at on the 2nd of November for the big event and get all the prize details at
Let's smash that goal folks and make a lot of sick kids feel that much better.
The Terry Campese Foundation (TSBJ PTY LTD)
The Terry Campese Foundation exists to make a significant difference to hundreds (hopefully thousands) of lives via a range of charities in Canberra, Queanbeyan and Southern New South Wales. In exceptional circumstances The Foundation provides financial or in-kind support to individuals in desperate need.