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Curtis Palmer - Celebrity Swim to PNG
Curtis Palmer - Celebrity Swim to PNG
Hi, I'm swimming in the Celebrity Swim to PNG event, held on Saturday 16th March at Bondi Iceberg Pools. The swim is a one-kilometre relay, which seeks to raise funds for the operations of Rugby League Against Violence in Papua New Guinea - an organisation working to reduce the appalling rates of gender-based violence in PNG. Eight teams will combine to swim eight kilometres in total – symbolic of the distance from Saibai Island, which lies within Australian nautical borders, to the mainland of Papua New Guinea.
The event kicks off at 3pm, and all are welcome to come along and cheer for change!
Event details can be found at:
Organisational Profile: Rugby League Against Violence (RLAV) is an organisation working to reduce the epidemic levels of sexual and domestic violence in Papua New Guinea, through engaging with the nation’s most-loved sport: rugby league. A shocking two out of three Papua New Guinean women will experience physical violence, while 50% will be victims of rape. RLAV aims to empower Papua New Guineans to be champions against violence in their own communities. In 2013, we hope to work with over 1000 men, women and children directly, and reach over 3 million daily through our national radio partners in PNG.
Rugby League Against Violence
Three important things that make Rugby League Against Violence relevant. 1. Papua New Guinea is the only country in the world with Rugby League as the national sport. 2. That gender-based violence in PNG can be characterised as of epidemic proportions. 3. Though the National strategy has called for greater male involvement in the elimination of gender-based violence, activities utilising men as agents for change are very limited. Our first activities are with young people through our gala days and Junior League Mentoring Competition, with the aim of breaking the cycle of violence through the promotion of respectful relationships. We also invite community leagues to sign-up to a code of conduct, and compulsory gender-based violence and conflict resolution training. We are also training counselors to provide 4-day Relationship Counseling inside these communities and partnering with the Port Moresby Vipers and civic society organisations to provide a schools component. Additionally we are conducting a nation-wide Social Marketing and Awareness Campaign utilising our high profile ambassadors as positive male role models. RLAV works with communities and their leagues, local level government, village courts, non-government and community organisations and individuals in an effort to reduce all forms of violence, with a focus on gender-based violence. We believe in meaningful partnership between all.