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* We are constantly adding new organisations to this list.
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The 2020 Player 2 Charity Marathon
The 2020 Player 2 Charity Marathon
It is that time of year again folks. Time to get on board the Player 2/Terry Campese Foundation Charity Gaming Marathon.
On the 21st of November, the P2 team will be playing games and giving away prizes for 24 hours in an attempt to raise $4000 that will go towards helping those in the Queanbeyan region that need it most. Education programs, youth guidance and emergency housing are just some of the programs the Terry Campese Foundation supports and here at Player 2 we think that is amazing.
So what can you do? Well donate of course. For every $5 you donate you will go into the draw to win some great prizes (announced soon). So if you donate $20 that will give you four entries.
This year we have something new happening. A Merch store. If you want to support the cause and get some cool gear to boot head to: or for the two different designs. All proceeds from the sale of merch goes to the foundation.
So join the P2 team on the 21st of November on their Twitch channel ( from 8am to join in the fun, win some great prizes and support a good cause.
Looking forward to seeing you then.
Matt Hewson
Editor -
The Terry Campese Foundation (TSBJ PTY LTD)
The Terry Campese Foundation exists to make a significant difference to hundreds (hopefully thousands) of lives via a range of charities in Canberra, Queanbeyan and Southern New South Wales. In exceptional circumstances The Foundation provides financial or in-kind support to individuals in desperate need.