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Protecting the rights of children living with CAH

CLAN Fundraising Events

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Protecting the rights of children living with CAH



CLAN (Caring & Living As Neighbours) believes that EVERY child living with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) has the right to achieve their full potential in life.
CLAN is proud to launch our new child-friendly CAH rights flyer and thanks our many partners around the world for their support in the development and launch of this new resource.


We would welcome your kind donation to support CLAN's ongoing work with CAH Communities in low- and middle-income countries.


If you would like to contriute financially to the work of CLAN and our partner communities we would welcome your donation. In 2017 CLAN is looking to raise AUD $2000 to support new inititiatives with CAH Communities using the CAH Rights Flyer and would be so grateful for your support. If you would specifically like to donate funds for another CAH Community internationally, please contact us at and we will be thrilled to work with you to make that happen.


Thank you so very much for your invaluable support!


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CLAN (Caring & Living As Neighbours)

CLAN (Caring & Living As Neighbours) is a not-for-profit, Non Government Organisation, established in Australia in 2004. Our vision is to maximise quality of life for children living with chronic health conditions in resource-poor countries of the world. These children suffer significant, preventable and inequitable morbidity, mortality and disability, and CLAN believes this situation is at odds with the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child. CLAN is currently working to help children who are living with Diabetes, Autism, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), Nephrotic Syndrome (NS), Duchenne Muscular Dystropy (DMD) and Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) amongst others, and we collaborate with partners in Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines.

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