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Sam Langford
Sam Langford
Hey Everyone,
Many of us at THE ICONIC may have been affected by cancer in some shape or form so in the spirit of Christmas, we want to give back and raise some money to support cancer research and help improve treatment.
Having experienced this first hand over the past 3 months with incredible support from my doc, it would mean a lot to me to raise money for the ANZUP research group, of which he is a part of.
On Fri Dec 15th, volunteers at THE ICONIC will be head shaving, hair dyeing and body waxing to support the cause! Looking forward to seeing some other bald heads around the office!
Thanks for all your support
P.S. Thank you everyone for your generous donations! We've smashed our target of $2,000 so how amazing would it be if we raised $5,000 for the cause!
ANZUP Cancer Trials Group Limited
ANZUP performs non-industry-sponsored clinical trials in genitourinary tract cancers (prostate, kidney, bladder, penile &
testis). These cancers are common and you or someone you love have probably been touched by one of them.
Better treatments are needed but resources to support these trials are scarce. Your donation, large or small, will
go directly to support trials to improve outcomes for people with these cancers.
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