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Sharon Kay

Sharon Kay

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Sharon Kay


Hi there!
This year I am returning to Myanmar to continue a project teaching heart surgery and cardiology to local doctors and scientists. In the beginning, there were no cardiology services, these kids would just die. 

After 12 years my team and I have set up 5 hospitals for cardiac surgery on kids and adults, rheumatic heart prevention screening, over 20 cardiology clinics providing life-saving services.

This year we see the new generation of doctors being trained to service their own country.

We will treat approximately 200 children and 200 adults and train the locals to do it all when we are not there.

All volunteers completely fund themselves and take their holidays to go on these trips to save these lives and communities.

I love Aide work and it is part of my soul, any contribution would be appreciated.

Eg of some costs we try to reduce with help: cardiac ultrasounds $50, Cardiac angiograms / stents $1500, cardiac surgery $5000...... smiles and the look of hope and relief from the childrens families - PRICELESS

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.

Thanks so much for your support!

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Open Heart International (ADRA Australia)

Open Heart International is a humanitarian agency who facilitates surgical best practice in disadvantaged communitiesso the help we provide lasts lifetimes. We like to call Australia the lucky country, but when it comes to healthcare, we’re not just lucky, we’re world-leading. So we believe it’s not only our privilege, but our responsibility to share surgical best practice with the most disadvantaged communities on the planet. By bringing modern surgery, training, equipment, and community education to where they are needed most, we’re not just saving lives today, we’re transforming awhole community’s abilitiy to save lives ongoing. And we believe this is truly the most valuable gift we can possibly give to other human beings.It's why we say "save one, save many"and it is the reason why we exist. To learn more about us, we encourage you to visit our website Open Heart International is a partnership of ADRA Australia and Sydney Adventist Hospital.

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