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Hi there!

FPV COLLECTIVE Proudly Supporting MND Australia for this years Charity of choice with our  FORD FALCON TRIBUTE CRUISE #5 

All proceeds from the sale of our Merch, and the BBQ up on the mountain on the day will be going directly to MND Australia 

If you can’t make the event, you’re welcome to donate here. 


FPV COLLECTIVE Proudly Supporting MND Australia.

Our aim is to help promote and raise awareness about Motor Nuerone Disease to help support MND Australia and raise much needed funds for further MND Research. 


What is motor neurone disease?


Motor neurone disease (MND) is a term used to describe a group of diseases that affect nerve cells called “motor neurones”. 


Motor neurones normally carry messages from the brain to the muscles via the spinal cord. The messages allow people to make voluntary movements like walking, swallowing, talking and breathing. With MND, however, the nerves become damaged and start to die so muscles gradually get weaker and waste away. Currently, there is no cure for MND and it is life shortening. 


The speed at which MND progresses and survival times vary for each person.


It is estimated that in Australia, at any one time, around 2,100 people are living with MND. Every day two people are diagnosed with MND in Australia and two people die from the disease.


Although the lifetime risk of developing MND is about 1 in 300 by the age of 85, with risk increasing steadily as people get older, many people have not heard of MND before they themselves, or someone they know, has been diagnosed.


Slightly more men than women are diagnosed with MND, and most commonly they are in the 50 to 60 year age group. However, MND may be diagnosed in adults at any age.


Globally, over 400,000 people are currently living with MND. MND affects people from every country and ethnicity in the world.


MND Research Australia (MNDRA) supports high-quality MND research to discover the causes, improve care and find treatments and ultimately a cure for MND.

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to Mnd Research Australia 

Thanks so much for your support!

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Donate to make a difference

Motor Neurone Disease Research Australia

MND Research Australia funds projects led by Australia’s leading MND researchers. By supporting MNDRA you are sparking new discoveries and ideas to defeat MND by funding new research projects that aim to understand the causes, develop effective treatments, and one day find a cure. 

It is only with research that the future of MND will change. Together we will defeat MND. 

Information about MND research at            

More information about MND at

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