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Zac Lawson

Zac Lawson

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Zac Lawson


To whom it may concern.


Hi, I'm Zac and I will be supporting The Indigenous Literacy Foundation. This charity works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities from across Australia. They respond to requests for culturally relevant books to support the development of kids in the Indigenous community, also hoping that the kids write stories in their own language. They work towards celebrating Indigenous Literacy Day (6th September every year) with thousands of people. This year they celebrated with over 300 thousand people! A little donation can spur these kids to a great future.


I have chosen this charity because the latest indigenous event didn’t go so well (Voice of Parliament). I thought that any Indigenous charity was perfect to support but this one caught my eye for how unique and special it is. To help this cause I will be selling food to raise money while wearing black to raise awareness and donate all the profit directly to the charity itself.


My goals are to get as many people to at least stop by and think about how they could help. Also to raise over $100.


Thankyou for reading this, and thanks to people who are willing to support this cause.


Best wishes


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Indigenous Literacy Foundation

Being able to read opens so many doors. But in very remote Indigenous communities, books are all too scarce and literacy levels are much lower than anywhere else in Australia. Our purpose is to make a difference to the lives of Indigenous families by not only gifting thousands of new culturally appropriate books - with a focus on early literacy and first language - but also by running programs to inspire the communities to tell and publish their own stories. 
Please visit our website for more information about our programs.


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