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Luna Cards
Luna Cards
Here at Luna Cards our commitment to charity and supporting those in need is something that is quite close to our hearts. Since we first opened our doors, we’ve been raising awareness of and funds for Kids Helpline – Australia’s only free, confidential 24/7 support service that protects and safeguards the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 5-25.
Because of the incredible generosity of our community, we’ve raised over $140,000 for Kids Helpline! That’s no small feat! And we want to do more! Every 90 seconds, a child or young person reaches out to Kids Helpline for support. By donating, you’ll ensure that Kids Helpline’s counsellors can be there to respond. Let’s rally together so that Kids Helpline can continue to be a beacon of hope for children and young people across the country.
Kids Helpline is here for you. Anytime. Any reason. Kids Helpline provides free 24/7 support and counselling to people aged 5-25. Call 1800 55 1800 or visit https://kidshelpline.com.au/. If it’s an emergency, please call 000.
If you’d like to learn more about the great work your donation makes possible, please visit: https://publications.yourtown.com.au/kids-helpline-impact-report-2023/page/1
Kids Helpline
Powered by yourtown, Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, confidential 24/7 support service that protects and safeguards the mental health of children and young people in Australia. We provide young people with a choice of counselling options and accessible self-help tools when and where they need them.
Visit Kidshelpline.com.au for more information.
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