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Help Nepalese Children for Education

Amrit Acharya

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Help Nepalese Children for Education


Hi there!

I'm making a difference and running for a cause that's close to my heart. I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small.

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.

Thanks so much for your support!

** Nepal has more than two million children out of school due to financial hardship as their parents are unable to pay school fees and buy education materials.

Remember students have to pay school fees in Nepal even for the Government schools. Many people in Nepal (especially in remote village) couldn’t afford to pay school fees and other associated costs. Where it comes to survival challenge, parents want to send their kids for work rather than school (increasing child labour). Please support those children who wants to go to school but their parents can’t afford to pay school fees and buy education materials.


Children In Need is working hard to help children in Nepal who can't afford to pay school fees and other expenses. They provide short-term, long-term, full or partial scholarships to the children depending on their financial status and school age.

Now they need your help to accomplish this challenging goal. A SMALL CONTRIBUTION COULD CHANGE THE LIFE OF A CHILD so please act today and donate. **


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Children In Need Inc.

Education, Better Healthcare and Shelter for for all children. No child should live in poverty and prevented from getting education and other basic needs. We work internationally to help children living in deprived community. No need is too small and no voice is too quiet to be heard. We will devote the time and energy to help to those in need.

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